16-19 Bursary Fund

St. Clere’s Sixth Form student guidance for an application for an award from the Bursary Fund

The 16-19 Bursary fund is designed to help support those young people who face the greatest barriers to continuing in education or training, post 16. Bursary funds are to be used to help pay for the costs related to participation in full-time education, such as the costs of transport, equipment, books, travel, exam costs, trips and visits. Some payments may be applied for, on an ad hoc nature, to cover expensive school trips etc. but each will be looked at on an individual basis.

Students will have access to a fund that will pay for items on request. Access may be withheld if you do not comply with the School’s expectations on:


Poor attitude to learning

Insufficient work

Attendance to school



There are two types of Bursary:

Nominated Bursary

The following nominated groups are eligible to receive a bursary of £1,200 a year:

  • Students in care
  • Students who are care leavers
  • Students in receipt of Income Support in their own right
  • Disabled students in receipt of both Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments

Discretionary Bursary

The following discretionary group are eligible to receive access to a fund, the total of which depends on the uptake of students of the entire fund in a given year. The discretionary bursaries are for young people facing financial barriers to participation in education. The eligibility criteria for this is below but the Head of Sixth Form reserves to right to approve or deny application based on resource. Whilst a student may meet the criteria, we may have to prioritise based on need.*

Students who are receipt of the following financial support, are eligible for the discretionary bursary:

  • Students from a home with a total household income of £33,271 (the modal average for the Borough).
  • Students who appear on the Ever 6/FSM list.

Qualifying Documentary Evidence

Your parent/guardian’s pay slip

Internal school document


Application Form and Guidance

16-19 Bursary Fund Application SCS Sixth Form

16-19 Bursary Fund Guidance Notes